Helping you on your fitness journey

When people look to begin a journey toward health and fitness they possess an internal motivator. This typically being, frustrated with their body by way of weight issues, body image, fatigue, pain, physical or emotional outlet or all of the above.

Their first point of contact quite often is a gym, bootcamp, or sporting club; society relates exercise as the solution to weight loss, making Personal Trainers, CrossFit gyms and Sporting coaches the frontline soldiers for those in pursuit of better health.

Physiotherapists, Chiropractors, Osteopaths and Myotherapists are often the second or even the third option when it comes to seeking fitness. Their education and skillsets may help society overcome injuries and pain associated with day to day lifestyle stressors, sporting and workplace injuries and help restore functional movement. And this is where a big problem arises.

There is a big gap in the education and skillsets when it comes to helping people establish better health. Through no fault of their own, PT’s and Coaches have not been provided with the education and skillsets to fully understand the complexities that dysfunctional movements create or what is involved in restoring proper movement patterns in the first place. The main emphasis is on how to perform a movement to strengthen a particular muscle or group of muscles such as a deadlift, or pull up, seated row, tricep extension or shoulder press correctly; very little on how to recognise a dysfunctional movement and correct it in order to progress to a deadlift or shoulder press.

All human beings establish one or many dysfunctional movement patterns over time. Squat, lift, push, pull, sitting, standing and laying postures to name a few, are very common dysfunctional complexes. Add to this, injuries sustained from trauma that have created altered/compensated guarding patterns that have not been rehabilitated properly or are as good as it is going to get. If these patterns are then placed under load by adding weight or resistance to the movement, even if the dysfunction is only mildly present, it predisposes them to injury. It’s the age old saying where it is not a matter of ‘if’ they will get an injury, but ‘when’. By the time a Therapist is consulted, the problem is often far worse and more complex to correct. And as we age, we only become more stiff as it is.

We are experts at identifying and correcting dysfunctional movement patterns. I believe that you need to invest in your body's ability to move so you can get the best out of your body throughout the marathon of life. Too often we see frustrated people in their 60's because they cannot move their body to do things they enjoy.

If you want to continue training, going to the gym, yoga or whatever your interests in fitness are, well into your retirement years - you need to invest in your body and we would love to help you on your journey to better movement.

Adelaide Family Chiropractic

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