Arthritis is a common yet complex condition that affects millions worldwide, characterised by inflammation and stiffness in the joints. This chronic disorder can significantly impair mobility and quality of life, often manifesting as osteoarthritis or rheumatoid arthritis. While conventional treatments typically focus on pain management and slowing disease progression, many individuals seek complementary therapies, including chiropractic care, to alleviate symptoms and improve joint function. Understanding the nuances of arthritis and the potential benefits of other interventions can empower patients to take proactive steps in managing their condition.

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1. Hydrate

  • Find it hard to drink enough water? Here are some ideas to get it in you.
    • Have water around you all the time.  At home, have a jug of water out on the table so that every time you walk past it, you have some.
    • If you’re out on the go all day, keep some water bottles with you, or in your car (ideally not plastic ones).
  • Don’t like the taste?
    • Try it cold, keep some water in a closed glass container in the fridge at all times.
    • Add some fresh lemon or lime to your water. Even try cucumber, mint, and or a variety of fruit such as berries.
  • Drink one tall glass of water first thing when you wake up daily.

2. Move Your Body! Do it Often

  • Get off your butt often! And when you’re stuck on your butt, keep shifting your posture around.
  • Motion is Lotion. Have a daily mobility routine.  It causes the synovial lining of the joint to produce new synovial fluid; which is the lubricating oil and nutrition for the joint.
  • Chiropractic is key here, Chiropractic will help lubricate those rusty hinges and help you gain leaps and bounds with your mobility.

3. Eat Clean Food

  • Your tissue and joint quality is directly related to the quality of the food you eat and drink.
  • Foods with an ingredients list of numbers and things you don’t recognise are not nourishing.
  • Eat lots of vegetables and fruits.  Make them your snacks to increase consumption.
  • No refined sugar
  • Limit grains that have not been prepared properly (soaked or fermented, such as genuine sourdough bread - note that most store bought sourdough is not genuine, do your homework)
  • Daily Bone Broth is a great way to get a hit of nourishment for your body.  It is like a “multivitamin”.  You can make it, or buy a good quality one from your local health food store.

4. Don’t Sweat The Small Stuff

  • Don’t stress about the things you can’t control.  It will unnecessarily increase your cortisol hormone levels and therefore inflammation, which in turn will flare up your arthritis.

5. Supplement Nutrients During Transition

  • The goal is to get all the good stuff from your food.  This is a work in progress.  As you transition to improved clean eating, supplement in some key nutrients that will help reduce your inflammation. 
  • These include:
    • Fish Oil (Omega 3 Fats come naturally from fish, and also from the fat of wild and pasture raised animals - Not grain fed animals)
    • Vitamin D (naturally from the sun and cod liver oil)
    • Curcumin (naturally from Turmeric, add it to your food in cooking or drinks)

While arthritis poses significant challenges, a multifaceted approach that includes chiropractic care can offer valuable relief and enhance overall well-being.

By addressing joint alignment, reducing inflammation, staying hydrated, managing stress and improving mobility, chiropractors play a crucial role in the holistic management of arthritis. If you or a loved one is struggling with arthritis, consider exploring chiropractic options as part of your comprehensive treatment plan. With the right support and care, it is possible to manage arthritis effectively and maintain an active, fulfilling lifestyle.

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